Solvent extraction experiments of Gd from chloride solution with PC88A were conducted at different extraction conditions. Solvent extraction reaction was identified from the experimental results using a graphical method, and the corresponding effective equilibrium constant was determined by analyzing the ionic equlibria in a GdCl 3 solution. In the experimental ranges investigated in this study, i.e., ½GdCl 3 0:3 kmol/m 3 , ½PC88A org 3:0 kmol/m 3 and initial pH 2:3, solvent extraction reaction of Gd with PC88A and the corresponding effective equilibrium constant were obtained as follows Gd 3þ þ 2H 2 A 2,org ¼ GdA 3 HA org þ 3H þ ; K ex,eff ¼ 2:8 Â 10 À1 .