Experiments indicating the ability of the ribo strand of a DNA-RNA template to guide polydeoxynucleotide synthesis by highly purified DNA polymerase I of E. coli (EC are presented. With poly(rA) poly-(dT) as template, poly(dT) is formed with a high efficiency, but almost no poly(dA). The specific activity of the enzyme, when tested with this template under suitable conditions, is eight times greater than that found for the poly(dA-dT) template. Single-stranded DNA fractions, with no template activity for DNA polymerase, are converted to efficient templates after their transcription by RNA polymerase. A concerted polymerization reaction, in which the action of DNA polymerase is dependent on that of RNA polymerase, can also be demonstrated with synthetic polydeoxynucleotides and single-stranded fractions of denatured DNA as templates.A recent communication from this laboratory, in which a DNA polymerase from chicken embryo preferring a DNA-RNA hybrid as template was described, included an unexpected observation, namely, that in the presence of the synthetic hybrid template poly(dT) -poly(rA) the DNA polymerase I of Escherichia coli synthesized poly(dT) with high efficiency (1). At the same time, the negligible incorporation of dAMP suggested that, under suitable conditions, also this enzyme could be made to use the ribo strand of a hybrid duplex as guide for the synthesis of a deoxy polymer.This novel ability of a much-studied enzyme deserved a more detailed investigation, the first part of which we are presenting here.
MATERIALS AND METHODSDNA polymerase I was prepared from E. coli according to published procedures (2-4). The preparations corresponded to "Fraction 7" (4); when tested with poly(dA-dT) as template in the presence of exonuclease III (4), they had a specific activity of 16,000-18,000 units/mg of protein. As is customary (3), the unit is defined as the amount of enzyme incorporating 10 nmol of total nucleotide in 30 min at 370C.Exonuclease III was obtained as a byproduct of the purification of DNA polymerase I, as described in ref. 4. RNA polymerase (EC of E. coli was the preparation described in a recent paper (1). Ribonuclease (EC 2.7. 7.16) was supplied by Worthington Biochemical Corp. (Freehold, N.J.).DNA of Bacillus megaterium was prepared as described previously for Bacillus subtilis DNA (5). The strain used and the base composition of the DNA have been given (6).The separation of denatured DNA of B. megaterium into the complementary strand fractions L and H by chromatography on a methylalbumin-kieselguhr column (7) and the 398 base composition and other properties of the separated preparations have been described (6,8).RNA hybrids of the separated strand preparations of B.megaterium DNA were made by transcription with RNA polymerase. The composition of the incubation mixtures (total volume of 2-4 ml) was: 0.5 absorbance unit (260 nm