“…A supercritical fluid extraction-SFC-triple quadrupole MS (SFE-SFC-QQQMS) was developed for the determination of chiral metholaxin, benzoyl, and dimethylamine in hemp seeds with the LODs of 0.04–0.41 μg kg –1 on a commercial ChromegaChiral Column (Merck Life Science) . In addition, chiral pesticides of mefentrifluconazole, N ′-nitrosonicotine, and fluindapyr were successfully separated and determined by SFC on commercial vancomycin (VancoShell), Chiralpak (Illkirch Cedex), and Chiralcel (Daiecl) columns. − SFC is an ideal technology for the separation and purification of chiral drugs owing to its short separation time and high sample throughput. Hayes et al built a microscale SFC-based purification platform via the alteration of fluid channel and introduction of gas–liquid separators for the discovery and analysis of pharmaceuticals on ChiralPak Column (Westchester).…”