In contrast to a free-electron system, a Tomonaga-Luttinger (TL) liquid in a one-dimensional (1D) electron system hosts charge and spin excitations as independent entities 1-4 . When an electron is injected into a TL liquid, it transforms into chargeand spin-density wavepackets that propagate at di erent group velocities and move away from each other. This process, known as spin-charge separation, is the hallmark of TL physics. While spin-charge separation has been probed in momentumor frequency-domain measurements in various 1D systems 5-9 , waveforms of separated excitations, which are a direct manifestation of the TL behaviour, have been long awaited to be measured. Here, we present a waveform measurement for the pseudospin-charge separation process in a chiral TL liquid comprising quantum Hall edge channels 9-13 . The chargeand pseudospin-density waveforms are captured by utilizing a spin-resolved sampling scope that records the spin-up or -down component of the excitations. This experimental technique provides full information for time evolution of the 1D electron system, including not only propagation of TL eigenmodes but also their decay in a practical device 14 .Co-propagating spin-up and -down edge channels of the quantum Hall (QH) state at filling factor ν = 2 form a prototypical system for the study of TL physics. The TL eigenmodes have been identified by measuring interference of density waves 9 , shot noise generation [10][11][12] , and charge-density correlation between two paths in a Hong-Ou-Mandel experiment 13 . Dynamics of the charge-and spin-density excitations, that is, their excitation, propagation, and attenuation, are elementary processes of nonequilibrium phenomena in the 1D system. For investigating these processes, a waveform measurement for each density excitation is highly desirable. In this study, we developed a spin-resolved sampling scope comprising a spin filter and a time-resolved charge detector 15,16 , which enables one to perform the waveform measurement. We actually observe charge-and pseudospin-density excitations separated over a distance exceeding 200 µm. The TL parameters (group velocities of charge-(v C ) and pseudospin-density (v S ≤ v C ) waves and mixing angle θ, which is introduced later) are directly read out from the waveforms; this is the first experiment in which all the TL parameters are estimated from a single measurement. Moreover, attenuation of TL wavepackets is evaluated from distortion of the waveforms. These results give quantitative information on various non-equilibrium phenomena in QH edge channels-for example, heat transport 17-20 and decoherence in interferometers 21,22 .The 1D electron dynamics in the co-propagating channels are formulated by the wave equation for the spin-up and -down charge densities ρ ↑,↓ (x, t) 23-25where U X is the inter-channel interaction and v ↑ (v ↓ ) is the group velocity renormalized by the intra-channel interaction in the spin-up (down) channel. While conventional TL theory assumes v ↑ = v ↓ , we consider a more general ...