A method is described for separating, by the process of adsorption, the aromatic hydrocarbons from their mixture wit h paraffin and naphthene (cycloparaffin) hydrocarbons, as in t he gasoline or ke-rosine fractions of petroleum. The m ixt ure is introduced into the top of a column containing an appropriate excess of solid adsorbent. A low-boiling paraffin hydrocarbon, such as pentane, butane, -or propane, is then added in suffi cient quantity to removc from the column the paraffin and naphthene hydrocarbons but not the aromatic hydrocarbons. The latter are then removed by adding an appropriate desorbing liquid, such as meth-.anol. The paraffins, naphthenbs, and pentane a re thus obtained as a mixture from which the pentane is easily removed by distillation. The a r omatic hydrocarbons are obtained as a mixture with pentane and methanol. The methanol is easily removed by extraction with water and t he pentane by distillation.This me thod of separation was tested on a known mixture of 17 pure hydro-,carbons, the normal boiling points of which covered a range from 60° t o 174 0 C and included all of the 5 normal paraffins from n-hexane t hrough n-decane, the isoparaffin 2-methylpentane, the 4 n ormal alkyl cyclohexanes from cyclohexane through n-propylcyclohexane, and all of the 7 possible aromatic h ydrocarbons from benzene through isopropylbenzene. The separation of th e aromatic hydro-'Carbons from the paraffins and naphthenes was quantitative within the limits of measurement, and their recovery was complete within the normal operating loss · of material in processing.Experimental determinations were made of the quantity of aromatic hydrocarbon adsorbed per u nit quantity of adsorbent, for a number of different binary solutions of aromatic h ydrocarbons with paraffins or naphthenes, at several coneentrations of the a romatic h ydrocarbon, and with silica gel, carbon, magnesia, alumina, Filtrol, and Florisil as adsorbents. The results are displayed in the form of adsorption isotherms.