“…Both are products of the fis sion of 235 U or 239 Pu, the pro duc tion takes place in nu clear re ac tors and fis sion bombs, be cause their pres ence in the en vi ron ment is re lated to the nuclear in dus try, nu clear test ing and emis sions of an acci den tal na ture [2]. Stron tium is one of the most danger ous pol lut ants in the en vi ron ment be cause of its long half-life, its high sol u bil ity and chem i cal sim i larity be tween the Sr +2 and Ca +2 [3]. Be cause of all these fac tors, stron tium can ac cu mu late in or gan isms through the food chain, be ing pres ent in bi o log i cal sam ples where there is cal cium, such as cow's milk [4,5].…”