A molecular characterization of cross-reactive antigens of Treponema pallidum Nichols and Treponema phagedenis biotype Reiter that are reactive with normal and syphilitic human sera is described. At least 8 common polypeptides, 14 T. pallidum-specific antigens, and 2 T. phagedenis biotype Reiter-specific antigens were identified.Antigenic characterization of Treponema pallidum has been hampered by the inability to obtain large quantities of pure, motile, and virulent organisms (1,9,10,21,22,(28)(29)(30). Nonpathogenic treponemes, however, can be grown in vitro in pure culture. Thus, in an attempt to obtain information about treponemal antigenic interrelationships, investigators have concentrated their efforts toward the examination of cross-reactive antigens obtained from the nonpathogens. Most of the studies have identified antigens common to both T. pallidum Nichols and the host-indigenous, nonpathogenic Treponema phagedenis biotype Reiter (referred to here as Reiter). Complement fixation (3-5, 7, 8, 12, 18, 20), gel diffusion (12,18,20), fluorescentantibody (6,13,17,27), crossed immunoelectrophoresis (20,(23)(24)(25)(26) and Western blot (15) techniques have revealed the presence of shared protein, polysaccharide, and/or protein-lipopolysaccharide complex antigens. Furthermore, absorption studies have shown that the presence of treponemicidal activity in normal human serum against T. pallidum and Reiter is stimulated by common T. pallidum and Reiter immunogens (P. A. Hanif and J. N. Miller, submitted for publication). However, with the exception of axial filament proteins (12, 21), the common treponemal antigens have not been well characterized in terms of their cellular location or molecular weight. As a prelude to isolation and purification of these particular cell components, we have characterized the common polypeptide antigens of T. pallidum and Reiter with normal and syphilitic human sera by using sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by electrophoretic transfer of the t Present address: