An acetylated sugar, sucrose octaacetate (SOA), tastes bitter to humans and has an aversive taste to at least some mice and other animals. In mice, taste aversion to SOA depends on allelic variation of a single locus, Soa. Three Soa alleles determine 'taster' (Soa a ), 'nontaster' (Soa b ), and 'demitaster' (Soa c ) phenotypes of taste sensitivity to SOA. Although Soa has been mapped to distal Chromosome (Chr) 6, the limits of the Soa region have not been defined. In this study, mice from congenic strains SW.B6-Soa b , B6.SW-Soa a , and C3.SW-Soa a/c and from an outbred CFW strain were genotyped with polymorphic markers on Chr 6. In the congenic strains, the limits of introgressed donor fragments were determined. In the outbred mice, linkage disequilibrium and haplotype analyses were conducted. Positions of the markers were further resolved by using radiation hybrid mapping. The results show that the Soa locus is contained in a ~1-cM (3.3-4.9 Mb) region including the Prp locus.Presumably, sensitivity to bitter compounds arose as a means of detecting toxic agents. Consequently, many structurally diverse compounds taste bitter to humans and other animals. An ability to detect bitter is now thought to be based on specific recognition by a family of putative bitter taste receptors (Adler et al. 2000;Matsunami et al. 2000) and perhaps other mechanisms (Lindemann 1996).One important model system for investigating the bitter taste mechanism involves the acetylated sugar, sucrose octaacetate (SOA), which tastes bitter to humans and has an aversive taste to at least some mice and other animals. In mice, taste aversion to SOA depends on allelic variation of a single locus, Soa, with three known alleles. The Soa a allele determines a 'taster' phenotype of strong SOA avoidance, the Soa b allele determines a 'nontaster' phenotype of indifference to SOA, and the Soa c allele determines a 'demitaster' phenotype of intermediate SOA sensitivity (demitasters are indifferent to 0.1 mM SOA, but avoid 1 mM SOA). An order of a phenotypic dominance of these alleles is taster > nontaster > demitaster (Harder et al. 1992 1995;Harder et al. 1996). Within an outbred CFW strain, there is a phenotypical variation in SOA avoidance, which is due to segregation of taster and demitaster Soa alleles (Gannon and Whitney 1989;Harder et al. 1992).The Soa locus has been mapped to distal Chr 6 (Azen 1991;Capeless et al. 1992;Lush et al. 1995). This region contains several candidate genes thought to be involved in bitter taste perception. A recent study has shown that one of these genes, Prp, is a less likely candidate for Soa (Harder et al. 2000). Several genes encoding G protein-coupled receptors expressed in taste tissue were also found in the Soa region (Adler et al. 2000;Matsunami et al. 2000).However, there is still no evidence that one or some of these receptors bind SOA as a ligand. A mechanism for transduction of SOA bitter taste could be identified by using positional cloning of the Soa locus. This requires high-resolution genetic an...