Naturally arising variants of simian virus 40 (SV40), generated by serial passage of the virus at high multiplicities of infection, provide important insight into the role of transcription factor-binding sites in enhancing DNA replication. Although the variants that arise from numerous recombination events are the result of selective pressure to replicate more efficiently than the other variants in the infection, there is no transcription pressure. Therefore, it is interesting that a minimum of two viral Sp1 transcription factorbinding sites are retained and that host AP-1 and NF-1 transcription factor-binding sites are incorporated into the 100-bp regulatory region that maximizes DNA replication in these variants. We cotransfected COS-1 cells (that provide viral large T antigen for DNA replication) to examine the effect of transcription factor-binding sites on the replication of plasmid constructs that contain the SV40 origin of replication (ori). The level of relative replication efficiency (RRE) depends on the number and type of transcription factor-binding sites. Replication increases as the number of transcription factor-binding sites increases within the regulatory region of the variants; AP-1 sites are more effective than NF-1 transcription factor-binding sites. Competition between constructs in transfections magnifies the difference in their RREs. The results indicate that transcription factor-binding sites play an important role in enhancing DNA replication.Simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA is replicated by host cell machinery (reviewed in references 5 and 11) and one virally encoded protein, large T antigen (T-ag) (6,45,50,56). SV40 DNA replication is bidirectional (7, 17) from a 64-bp core origin of DNA replication (ori) (4,14,25,45,52). This ori sequence consists of a 15-bp early palindrome, a 27-bp palindrome, and a 17-bp AT-rich region (8). Four pentanucleotides in the central 27-bp palindromic region of ori are binding sites for T-ag (9, 49, 57). Additional regulatory sequences within 180 bp on the late transcription side of ori include three 21-bp repeats (16) and a 72-bp transcriptional enhancer (2,20,23,43). Each 21-bp repeat contains two hexameric GC boxes, which are binding sites for the transcription factor Sp1 (15) and weak binding sites for T-ag (57). The transcriptional enhancer contains a number of protein-binding sites; of these, a binding site for the transcription factor AP-1 is the closest to ori (31,34,63).The involvement of transcription factor-binding sites and the way in which they are arranged within regions that regulate DNA replication are interesting for several reasons. Some arrangements of AP-1 and Sp1 transcription factor-binding sites seem to be favored in evolutionary variants (37). Evolutionary variants arise when SV40 is serially passaged at high multiplicities of infection, whereby recombination leads to new viral species containing deleted and duplicated viral DNA and substituted host DNA. In several SV40 evolutionary variants (ev1101, ev1103, ev1104, and ev1108), the incor...