To find the intrinsic parameters of a camera, a LiDAR data-based camera self-calibration method is presented here. Parameters have been estimated using particle swarm optimization (PSO), enhancing the optimal solution of a multivariate cost function. The main procedure of camera intrinsic parameter estimation has three parts, which include extraction and fine matching of interest points in the images, establishment of cost function, based on Kruppa equations and optimization of PSO using LiDAR data as the initialization input. To improve the precision of matching pairs, a new method of maximal information coefficient (MIC) and maximum asymmetry score (MAS) was used to remove false matching pairs based on the RANSAC algorithm. Highly precise matching pairs were used to calculate the fundamental matrix so that the new cost function (deduced from Kruppa equations in terms of the fundamental matrix) was more accurate. The cost function involving four intrinsic parameters was minimized by PSO for the optimal solution. To overcome the issue of optimization pushed to a local optimum, LiDAR data was used to determine the scope of initialization, based on the solution to the P4P problem for camera focal length. To verify the accuracy and robustness of the proposed method, simulations and experiments were implemented and compared with two typical methods. Simulation results indicated that the intrinsic parameters estimated by the proposed method had absolute errors less than 1.0 pixel and relative errors smaller than 0.01%. Based on ground truth obtained from a meter ruler, the distance inversion accuracy in the experiments was smaller than 1.0 cm. Experimental and simulated results demonstrated that the proposed method was highly accurate and robust.