This paper is a contribution to exploring and analyzing space-improvements in concurrent programming languages, in particular in the functional process-calculus CHF. Space-improvements are defined as a generalization of the corresponding notion in deterministic pure functional languages. The main part of the paper is the O(n · log n) algorithm SPOPTN for offline space optimization of several parallel independent processes. Applications of this algorithm are: (i) affirmation of space improving transformations for particular classes of program transformations; (ii) support of an interpreter-based method for refuting space-improvements; and (iii) as a stand-alone offline-optimizer for space (or similar resources) of parallel processes.• (independent) concurrent threads, independent of a programming language.Our model is also extended to synchronization constraints in the form of a Boolean combination of conditions on simultaneous and/or relative time points of two threads. The results for the space optimization for synchronization-free processes can be transferred to processes with synchronizations and permits polynomial algorithms for a fixed number of synchronization constructs (see Theorem 6.2) and therefore allows further analyses of space in more concrete scenarios. In general, i.e. for arbitrary Boolean constraints, finding the minimum is NP-complete (Theorem 6.4).The concrete programming language model that we investigate is the functional process calculus CHF, a variant of Concurrent Haskell, which permits pure and declarative functional modelling in combination with sequential (monadic) execution of processes with synchronization and which employs lazy evaluation [2,7,8]. Related work on space improvements in deterministic call-by-need functional languages is [5,6,10].An application of results and algorithms for the space-minimization task in special cases is on the one hand to identify program transformation as space improvements (in CHF) and on the other hand to accelerate an automated search for potential counterexamples to conjectures of space-improvements. Space optimization of parallel processes can sometimes be also applied to CHF-programs. For example for processes that are deterministically parallel, i.e. there is no sharing between processes, no free variables and the computation terminates. In these special cases the notion of space improvement is the same as space optimization.The structure of the paper is first to informally explain the functional process calculus CHF * GC and a definition of a space improvement in Section 2. A process-model and the interleaving is defined in Section 3. Then the computation of a standard form as a preparation of space optimization is given in Section 4. The optimization algorithm SPOPTN is defined in Section 5, where also the correctness and complexity are determined in Theorem 5.6. Extensions for synchronization constructs are in Section 6. Section 7 illustrates a relation to other scheduling methods and reports on an implementation and use of the algorithm. T...