Abstract. Experiments are described supporting the proposition that the assembly of stress fibers in nonmuscle cells and the assembly of myofibrils in cardiac cells share conserved mechanisms. Double staining with a battery of labeled antibodies against membraneassociated proteins, myofibrillar proteins, and stress fiber proteins reveals the following: (a) dissociated, cultured cardiac myocytes reconstitute intercalated discs consisting of adherens junctions (AJs) and desmosomes at sites of cell-cell contact and sub-sarcolemmal adhesion plaques (SAPs) at sites of cellsubstrate contact; (b) each AJ or SAP associates proximally with a striated myofibril, and conversely every striated myofibril is capped at either end by an AJ or a SAP; (C) the invariant association between a given myofibril and its SAP is especially prominent at the earliest stages of myofibrillogenesis; nascent myofibrils are capped by oppositely oriented SAPs; (d) the insertion of nascent myofibrils into AJs or into SAPs invariably involves vinculin, a-actin, and sarcomeric ot-actinin (s-ot-actinin); (e) AJs are positive for A-CAM but negative for talin and integrin; SAPs lack A-CAM but are positive for talin and integrin; (f) in cardiac cells all ot-actinin-containing structures invariably are positive for the sarcomeric isoform, o~-actin and related sarcomeric proteins; they lack non-sot-actinin, -y-actin, and caldesmon; (g) in fibroblasts all ot-actinin-containing structures are positive for the non-sarcomeric isoform, -y-actin, and related nonsarcomeric proteins, including caldesmon; and (h) myocytes differ from all other types of adherent cultured cells in that they do not assemble authentic stress fibers; instead they assemble stress fiber-like structures of linearly aligned I-Z-I-like complexes consisting exclusively of sarcomeric proteins.
CONSIDERABLE information has accumulated regarding the molecular composition and possible functions of the submembranous complexes into which stress fibers insert (4,5,11,26,34,46). In cell-cell junctions of the adherens type the distal tips of the microfilament bundles insert into submembranous F-actin/o~-actinin/vinculin complexes that often involve additional membrane-associated molecules such as A-CAM (31, 60), radixin (58) etc. A somewhat different class of submembranous complexes characterizes the termini of stress fibers where they insert into the cell-substrate junctions of spread, nontranslocating cultured ceils. These F-actin/ot-actinin/vinculin complexes, known as adhesion plaques (APs),t are also positive for talin (11), paxillin (59), integrin (17), and other proteins. APs are also sites for a Ca2 § protease (5) and a1. Abbreviations used in this paper: AJ, adherens junction; AP, adhesion plaque; MHC, myosin heavy chain; s, sarcomeric; SAP, subsarcolemmal adhesion plaque.protein kinase C (35) suggesting they may be involved in transmembrane signaling. In both the adherens junction (AJs) and the APs, ct-actinin appears to play a bifunctional role. Distally, facing the inner surface of the c...