DOI: 10.1109/taes.2007.357130
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Sequential nonlinear tracking using UKF and raw range-rate measurements

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Cited by 46 publications
(38 citation statements)
References 13 publications
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“…The first part is to verify the tracking performance of DUCMKF algorithm proposed with the Doppler radar measurement and compare the DUCMKF algorithm with the sequential EKF (SEKF) [18], sequential UKF (SUKF) [17], and converted measurement KF (CMKF) algorithms [13] in the previous literatures. The second part is to verify the maneuvering target tracking performance and the MAs estimation performance of AIMM-CS-DUCMKF algorithm and compare it with the IMM algorithm, current statistical model based adaptive EKF (CS-AEKF) [20], and window-based least squares estimator (WLSE) [7].…”
Section: The Generation Of True Trajectory and Measurementmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…The first part is to verify the tracking performance of DUCMKF algorithm proposed with the Doppler radar measurement and compare the DUCMKF algorithm with the sequential EKF (SEKF) [18], sequential UKF (SUKF) [17], and converted measurement KF (CMKF) algorithms [13] in the previous literatures. The second part is to verify the maneuvering target tracking performance and the MAs estimation performance of AIMM-CS-DUCMKF algorithm and compare it with the IMM algorithm, current statistical model based adaptive EKF (CS-AEKF) [20], and window-based least squares estimator (WLSE) [7].…”
Section: The Generation Of True Trajectory and Measurementmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Because the range rate is a function of the target velocity size and the velocity direction, the range rate contains the target maneuvering state information. The range rate is used not only for the estimation of normal acceleration [12][13][14] and angle velocity [15,16], but also as the measurement information for target tracking [13,[17][18][19]. Because the radar cannot detect the acceleration of target, it is necessary to directly estimate the target acceleration based on the measurement.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…CCS to PLCCS coordinate transform Using the transformation matrices, the a priori estimate, the error covariance matrix, and the radar measurements are converted to PLCCS. Since the measurement bias b P k (i) is generated by this coordinate transform procedure, the bias compensation technique is applied as shown in (11).…”
Section: Linear Target Tracking Filter In Plccsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Besides, these problems could be magnified when the range rate measurements are used for the automotive target tracking because the use of range rate measurements causes severe nonlinearity compared to the use of range or LOS measurements. To overcome the limitations of the EKF based automotive target tracking, the sequential filtering (SF) technique employing unscented Kalman filter (UKF) was proposed [10,11]. This approach comes from the idea that the UKF shows somewhat better estimation performance than the EKF for highly nonlinear systems.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…However, as for processing measurements serially or in parallel, there is little mentioned in the literature pertaining to the SPKF. Duan et al [2] and later Lei and Han [13], introduced a SPKF serial processing approach for the problem of radar target tracking with range measurements. Their method was analogous to serial processing with the EKF and re-linearizing after incorporating each measurement.…”
Section: Reviewmentioning
confidence: 99%