The present paper presents a counterexample to the sequential weak density of smooth maps between two manifolds M and N in the Sobolev space W 1,p (M, N), in the case p is an integer. It has been shown (see e.g. [6]) that, if p < dim M is not an integer and the [p]-th homotopy group π [p] (N) of N is not trivial, [p] denoting the largest integer less then p, then smooth maps are not sequentially weakly dense in W 1,p (M, N). On the other hand, in the case p < dim M is an integer, examples of specific manifolds M and N have been provided where smooth maps are actually sequentially weakly dense in W 1,p (M, N) with π p (N) = 0, although they are not dense for the strong convergence. This is the case for instance for M = B m , the standard ball in R m , and N = S p the standard sphere of dimension p, for which π p (N) = Z. The main result of this paper shows however that such a property does not holds for arbitrary manifolds N and integers p.Our counterexample deals with the case p = 3, dim M ≥ 4 and N = S 2 , for which the homotopy group π 3 (S 2 ) = Z is related to the Hopf fibration. We explicitly construct a map which is not weakly approximable in W 1,3 (M, S 2 ) by maps in C ∞ (M, S 2 ). One of the central ingredients in our argument is related to issues in branched transportation and irrigation theory in the critical exponent case, which are possibly of independent interest. As a byproduct of our method, we also address some questions concerning the S 3 -lifting problem for S 2 -valued Sobolev maps.