Let S = K[x 1 , . . . , x m , y 1 , . . . , y n ] be the standard bigraded polynomial ring over a field K. Let M be a finitely generated bigraded S-module and Q = (y 1 , . . . , y n ). We say M has maximal depth with respect to Q if there is an associated prime p of M such that grade(Q, M ) = cd(Q, S/p). In this paper, we study finitely generated bigraded modules with maximal depth with respect to Q. It is shown that sequentially Cohen-Macaulay modules with respect to Q have maximal depth with respect to Q. In fact, maximal depth property generalizes the concept of sequentially Cohen-Macaulayness. Next, we show that if M has maximal depth with respect to Q with grade(Q, M ) > 0, then H grade(Q,M) Q (M ) is not finitely generated. As a consequence, "generalized Cohen-Macaulay modules with respect to Q" having "maximal depth with respect to Q" are Cohen-Macaulay with respect to Q. All hypersurface rings that have maximal depth with respect to Q are classified.