“…Other productions of the author derive from this conceptual system(Ferracini, 2009;2013a;2013b;2014;Rabelo; Reis, 2016, among others).18 Own translation of "[...] um sentimento de algo ilimitado, sem barreiras, como que 'oceânico'"(Freud, 2014(Freud, [1930, p. 14).19 Own translation of "[...] poderia considerar-se religioso, ainda que rejeitasse toda fé e toda ilusão"(Freud, 2014(Freud, [1930, p. 15).20 The presentation and discussion of several Lume plays offer ample material in this regard, i.e Colla (2006;2013)Ferracini (2006);Hirson (2006;2012); chapters 8 and 9 mainly, fromColla (2020).…”