The amino acid sequence in the region of the reactive serine residue of electric eel (Electrophorus eléctricas) acetylcholinesterase has been determined. The enzyme was inactivated with tritium-labeled pinacolyl methylph o sphonofluoridate, degraded with pepsin, papain, and Pronase, and rganophosphorus anticholinesterases are known (Schaffer et al, 1954) to bind irreversibly the reactive serine residue of electric eel (Electrophorus eléctricas) acetylcholinesterase (acetylcholine hydrolase, EC In unpublished work of Shaw, it has been reported (Sanger, 1963) that the amino acid sequence in the region of the reactive serine residue in eel acetylcholinesterase is Glu-Ser-Ala.