Cyclic-GMP (C-GMP), a normal constituent of the central nervous system, was found to be present in increased amounts in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients with active neurologic disease. Twenty-four CSF samples from 17 patients with SLE were evaluated for C-GMP concentration by radioimmunoassay. This study extends our initial observations and examines three groups of SLE patients based on their clinical status a t the time of each lumbar puncture: those with active neurologic and psychologic abnormalities (group I), active neurologic abnormalities (group 11), and psychologic abnormalities without active neurologic involvement (group 111). Groups I and I1 had mean CSF C-GMP values of 3.1 nM f 0.64 (SE) and 4.1 nM * 0.10 respectively, which were both significantly higher than the mean for group 111 (1.2 nM & 0.43) (P < 0.05). Other CSF findings did not display this close correlation with activity of neurologic disease. In 4 SLE patients, significantly higher levels of CSF C-GMP were found on serial sampling during times when neurologic abnormalities were active.