DOI: 10.1002/jmv.20357
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Serological study of the lymphochoriomeningitis virus (LCMV) in an inner city of Argentina

Abstract: Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) is the prototype of the family Arenaviridae and is associated with the natural reservoir, Mus domesticus (Md). It causes meningitis and a flu-like illness characterized by malaise, myalgia, retrorbital headache, and photophobia. This study presents the data obtained in a rodent and human serological study during 6 years (1998-2003) in the city of Rio Cuarto, Argentina. Antibodies anti-LCMV were sought by ELISA in rodents and humans. LCMV was found only in Md species in… Show more

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Cited by 42 publications
(37 citation statements)
References 14 publications
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“…Since there are no commercial ELISA kits for the detection of such antibodies available for routine use, we developed a method serving this purpose. For the ELISA tests, the antigen is usually prepared from cells infected with LCMV (Marrie and Saron, 1998;Riera et al, 2005). During such preparation of the antigen, handling of infectious LCMV is required, which is necessary to perform in a biosafety containment facility.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Since there are no commercial ELISA kits for the detection of such antibodies available for routine use, we developed a method serving this purpose. For the ELISA tests, the antigen is usually prepared from cells infected with LCMV (Marrie and Saron, 1998;Riera et al, 2005). During such preparation of the antigen, handling of infectious LCMV is required, which is necessary to perform in a biosafety containment facility.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Serological studies indicate that approximately 5% of the human population in the United States has LCMV antibodies (Park et al, 1997a). In a study from an inland city in Argentina, an overall LCMV seroprevalence was 3.3% (Riera et al, 2005). A seropositivity rate of 4% was detected among inhabitants of Nova Scotia (Marrie and Saron, 1998), 1.7% in the Community of Madrid in Spain (Lledó et al, 2003), 3.5% in the inner city of Birmingham (Park et al, 1997b).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 97%
“…en las Américas (9 %), y a la reportada en un estudio serológico del virus LCMV en Argentina, en el cual se encontraron anticuerpos anti-LCMV evaluados mediante ELISA en 9,4 % de los roedores analizados de la especie M. musculus (19). Estos valores dependen de muchos factores que afectan las dinámicas ecológicas del virus y del roedor reservorio, entre ellos, las variables relacionadas con la estructura del paisaje (20), la frecuencia o densidad poblacional (21,22), el efecto de dilución (23,24), la recrudescencia viral (25), la variabilidad climática y la fragmentación del hábitat (26).…”
Section: Discussionunclassified
“…El LCMV es el único miembro de la familia Arenaviridae con actividad en todos los continentes, debido a que su reservorio es un roedor cosmopolita (19). Los análisis llevados a cabo en el estudio de un caso de encefalitis por LCMV en una zona periurbana de una ciudad en Argentina, mostraron que 10,3 % de las personas seropositivas para LCMV residían en la localidad donde se reportó el caso (19).…”
Section: Discussionunclassified
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