Members of the genus Brucella are the source of the infectious bacterial disease known as brucellosis which is characterised by abortion, retained fetal membranes, orchitis, infection of the male accessory sex glands, and decreased fertility. Cattle, pigs, goats, sheep, dogs, camels, and occasionally horses are the animals most commonly affected by the disease. It affects sexually mature animals and its preferred site is the reproductive tract of both male and female animals. Animals may acquire the infection by licking the genitalia of infected female animals shortly after parturition or abortion, or by consuming contaminated pastures, feedstuffs, and water. Because there are insufficient domestic animal health programs, adequate diagnostic facilities, and effective public health measures, brucellosis is common and seen as an important public health concern in developing countries. Due to its association with abortion storm in newly infected herds, a high rate of retained placenta, endometritis or metritis which lowers milk production, and infertility, the disease is important economically. Additionally, the contagious nature of the disease has an impact on public health. In humans, brucellosis is an acute or subacute condition that can last for weeks or months. It is typically characterized by an intermittent or remittent fever, malaise, anorexia, and prostration. Humans can become infected by consuming contaminated animal products such as milk. These and control strategies of brucellosis that include good farm management practices, surveillance, culling of infected animals, use of proper vaccination protocols and public awareness were the subject matter of this review.