Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic zoonosis with worldwide distribution and different wild species either are involved in maintenance of the pathogen in the environment as definitive or intermediate hosts serving as font of feeding or prey to definitive hosts. The present study aimed to investigate Toxoplasma gondii antibodies and the risk factors relating to infection in mammals at Sorocaba Zoo, state of São Paulo, Brazil. Serum samples collected from 153 animals were analyzed using the modified agglutination test (MAT; cutoff ≥ 25). Seropositivity was found in 62 animals (40.5%; 95% CI: 33.1-48.5%), with different titers. Significant differences were observed in relation to the ages of the animals, origin, presence of free-ranging animals in the enclosure and feeding habits, through univariate analysis (p ≤ 0.05). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that only age (p = 0.03) had significance for the study. Adult animals were 3.5 more likely to become infected than were young ones. In relation to feeding habits, herbivores (80%) and carnivores (46.5%) were the animals most affected. These results highlight the presence of T. gondii in animals at Brazilian zoos, and suggest that continuous transmission is occurring at zoos. Key words: Epidemiology. Toxoplasmosis. Wild animals. Zoo.
ResumoToxoplasmose é uma zoonose parasitária com distribuição mundial e diversas espécies silvestres estão envolvidas na manutenção do patógeno no ambiente, seja como hospedeiro definitivo ou intermediário. O objetivo do estudo foi pesquisar anticorpos de Toxoplasma gondii e os fatores de risco relacionados com a infecção de mamíferos do Zoológico de Sorocaba, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Foram coletadas 153 amostras de soro dos animais e realizado teste de aglutinação modificada (MAD, ponto de corte 16). Sessenta e dois (40,5%; IC95% 33,1-48,5%) animais foram soropositivos, com diferentes títulos. Diferenças significativas foram observadas com relação a idade dos animais, origem, presença de animais de vida livre dentro dos recintos e hábitos alimentares, utilizando análise univariada (p ≤ 0,05).