Background: Rubella is major cause of neonatal abnormalities and miscarriages on worldwide level. Objective: To find the incidence of rubella in congenital births by assessing antibodies against rubella. Study Design: Cross sectional study Place and Duration of Study: Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Sandeman Provincial Hospital, Quetta 1st April 2019 to 31st March 2021. Methodology: Four hundred pregnant women were analyzed for their IgG and IgM levels. A complete socioeconomic, demographics and clinical information was recorded on a well designed questionnaire. Results: The mean age of pregnant women was 24.5±4.1 years. Majority of women were between 35-40 years. High IgG were seen in all patients compared with IgM. The seropositivity for IgG increased with increasing age. Conclusion: The total reported IgG positive cases were up to 16% while of IgM were 3%. Keywords: Rubella, Pregnancy, Birth defects