Toxoplasmosis is regarded as one of the chief sources of miscarriage in pregnant women which caused by an apicomplexan obligatory intracellular parasites called Toxoplasma gondii. it can infect greatest kinds of warm-blooded animals, together with humans.
Assessment some immunological parameter concentration and its relation with aborted women infected with toxoplasmosis by using ELISA method.
A total number (155 ) of serum were collected from women aged between (16-42) years aborted women (75 seropositive with toxoplasmosis, 40 sera negative) were admitted in Basrah hospital for women and children and (40) healthy control women.
The results show the concentrations of protein S, C, anti-phospholipid and anticardiolipin (68.11, 63.17, 48.59 and 13.86) respectively with significantly than others group. The rate of strong immune factor such as anticardiolipin, protein-C, and protein-S in frequently aborted females is shown to be related to the changes.
Active Toxoplasma gondii infection is more associated with miscarriage than immune factor in this group of experienced females.