Because life is often unpredictable, dynamic, and complex, all animals have evolved remarkable abilities to cope with changes in their external environment and internal physiology. This regulatory plasticity leads to shifts in behavior and metabolism, as well as to changes in development, growth, and reproduction, which is thought to improve the chances of survival and reproductive success. In favorable environments, the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans develops rapidly to reproductive maturity, but in adverse environments, animals arrest at the dauer diapause, a long-lived stress resistant stage. A molecular and genetic analysis of dauer formation has revealed key insights into how sensory and dietary cues are coupled to conserved endocrine pathways, including insulin/IGF, TGF-, serotonergic, and steroid hormone signal transduction, which govern the choice between reproduction and survival. These and other pathways reveal a molecular basis for metazoan plasticity in response to extrinsic and intrinsic signals.All living things can sense change in their environment and physiologic milieu and adapt accordingly, revealing remarkable plasticity. Changes in behavior and metabolism are well-recognized forms of plasticity, which are typically rapid and geared to maintain organismal homeostasis. Sustained environmental challenge, such as nutrient limitation, stress, and shifts in photoperiod or temperature, can culminate in long lasting changes in metabolism, behavior, growth, and development, most dramatically resulting in alternate life strategies, such as hibernation, or diapause, a state of developmental arrest. Moreover, restricted dietary intake can delay reproduction and extend organismal life span in diverse species. Collectively, these patterns and their variations comprise an animal's life history. Although determined by genotype, life history traits are largely regulated and plastic, not passively dictated by resource availability. This view is supported by the discovery of myriads of regulatory layers, including neural signaling, hormones, and signal transduction pathways that form logical circuits governing these traits.Despite its invariant cellular development (Sulston 1988), the worm Caenorhabditis elegans reveals evident plasticity in its life history, which ultimately enhances its chance of survival through environmental hazards, and ensures that somatic growth and reproduction match available resources. Notably, in favorable environments, C. elegans will develop rapidly to reproductive maturity, but in unfavorable environments, animals will arrest at the dauer diapause, a larval stage geared for survival (Fig. 1A). A genetic analysis of C. elegans dauer formation has illuminated how environmental and dietary cues are coupled to evolutionarily conserved molecular pathways, including neurosensory, TGF-, insulin/IGF, serotonergic, and steroid hormone signal transduction, which impact growth, metabolism, maturation, survival, and aging. These and related studies have led to key insights into similar pro...