Abstract-Effects of eperisone, an antispasmodic in skeletal muscle, were inves tigated in helical strips of dog saphenous artery and vein. Eperisone relaxed saphenous arteries and veins previously contracted with norepinephrine, serotonin, acetylcholine, K+, or Bat+; but in contrast, it produced contractions in the blood vessels contracted with prostaglandin (PG) Fla. Treatment with eperisone at tenuated the contractions induced by norepinephrine and serotonin in the arteries and those by clonidine and phenylephrine in the veins. Eperisone inhibited angio tensin II-induced relaxations, mediated possibly by endogenous PG12, but did not alter relaxations caused by exogenous PGI2. Treatment with eperisone (10-5 M) potentiated the contractile response to electrical stimulation of adrenergic nerves; the potentiating effect was suppressed by yohimbine. The eperisone-induced contraction in PGF2a-contracted arteries was inhibited by treatment with indo methacin or aspirin, although cyclooxygenase activity was not inhibited by eperisone. These results may indicate that eperisone blocks postjunctional ai and a2 adren ergic, muscarinic, serotonergic receptors and prejunctional a2 adrenoceptors and reduces PGI2 synthesis via a mechanism other than cyclooxygenase inhibition.Eperisone hydrochloride (4'-ethyl-2-meth yl-3-piperidinopropiophenone hydrochloride) possesses antitremorine and antinicotinic actions (1) and inhibits mono and multi synaptic reflexes by suppressing a and r-efferent neuron activities in the spinal cord and supraspinal structures (2). The drug is clinically used to relieve skeletal muscle stif fness. Recent studies indicate an eperisone induced increase in blood flow in the skeletal muscle of anesthetized rabbits (personal com munication from Dr. M. Arai) and dogs (3).The agents possessing the piperidinopro piophenone structure relax visceral and vas cular smooth muscles (4-7), possibly due to a direct action on smooth muscle, like that of papaverine (6, 7). Fujioka and Kuriyama (8) have reported that eperisone has Ca2+ an tagonistic actions in isolated guinea pig basilar artery. Our preliminary study showed that eperisone did not relax but contracted the isolated dog saphenous artery and vein pre viously contracted with PGF2a• indicating that its action is different from those of papa verine and Ca2+ antagonists.Therefore, the present study was under taken to determine the action and the me chanisms of action of eperisone on receptor mediated responses of various agents in isolated saphenous arteries and veins, skeletal muscle vasculatures. Abilities of this drug to inhibit contractions mediated by a-adrenergic, serotonergic and muscarinic receptors and to potentiate contractions due to adrenergic nerve stimulation were demonstrated.
Materials and MethodsMale and female mongrel dogs, weighing 7-13 kg, were anesthetized with intravenous injections of sodium pentobarbital (30 mg/kg) and killed by bleeding from the carotid ar teries. Saphenous arteries and veins and inter lobar branches of the renal artery ...