Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical 41(5):449-453, set-out, 2008
ARTIGO/ARTICLEO fungo basidiomiceto Cryptococcus apresenta duas espécies consideradas patogênicas para seres humanos e animais 15 30 , Cryptococcus gattii e Cryptococcus neoformans, agentes etiológicos da criptococose, micose que afeta tanto indivíduos saudáveis 25 , como imunocomprometidos 6 25 , especialmente pacientes com AIDS 4 25 . A infecção é adquirida através da inalação de propágulos do fungo: leveduras desidratadas ou basidiósporos 11 20 e após a inalação pode haver disseminação hematogênica 25 para tecido cutâneo, órgãos internos e/ou sistema nervoso central, onde se observa a forma clínica mais comum da micose, a meningoencefalite 25 .
ABSTRACTThe presence of Cryptococcus gattii was investigated in different regions of the State of Espírito Santo. The largest number (73) of samples was collected from trees located in public places in Vitória; 47 came from preserved areas or areas with only minor human impact, surrounding this city, at altitudes from 0 to 900m above sea level; 48 came from trees native of the northern and southern regions of the state. The samples were collected from tree hollows and trunks by of swabs and yielded two isolates (1.2%) of Cryptococcus neoformans, two (1.2%) of Cryptococcus gattii and one (0.6%) of Cryptococcus laurentii. The species Cryptococcus gattii was found only in native trees from the northern region, in areas that still have remains of the Atlantic Forest, while none of the samples from any of the 22 tree species located in urban areas was able to show the presence of Cryptococcus gattii. These results show a possible relationship between the presence of Atlantic Forest and occurrences of Cryptococcus gattii. They confirm that the environment is a source of infection with this fungus.