Patients were asked about the diagnosis criteria of the International RLS study group and their laboratory examinations along with 25 (OH) D vitamin levels were assessed. Results: Seventy-five patients, 40 of whom were female, were included in the study. The average age of patients was 57.8 (19-84). Average 25 (OH) vitamin D levels of 75 patients in total were found to be 12.6 ±6.27 (3-30). Five patients had 25 (OH) D vitamin insufficiency and 70 had 25 (OH) D vitamin deficiency. Thirty-three patients were diagnosed with RLS and their average vitamin D levels were 10.76 ±4.56; the D levels of 42 patients not diagnosed with RLS were found to be 14.18±7.02. A significant relationship was determined between the patients diagnosed with RLS and their vitamin D levels (p=0.018).Discussion: A significant relationship was determined between RLS and 25 (OH) vitamin D level among hemodialysis patients. The fact that frequency of RLS was higher among hemodialysis patients compared to the general population may be related to low levels of 25 (OH) D vitamin.