The aim of the present study was to evaluate vitality, behavioral and laboratory parameters and oxidative profile of newborn mules, comparing with horses during the first month of life. The foals were monitored just after delivery and Apgar score was assessed at 0, 5, 10, 30 and 60 minutes postpartum. Foal's postpartum behavior were timed (time to get in sternal recumbency, to start suckle reflex, to stand, to ingest colostrum and to eliminate meconium) and the need of enema was evaluated.Time to eliminate placenta and weight were recorded and foal's weight. The relationship between placental and foal weight was calculated for the mule's group.Laboratory evaluation included hematological and biochemical parameters, while lipid peroxidation was measured using TBARS and protein oxidation. Glutathione peroxidase activity, superoxide dismutase and total, indirect and direct bilirubin were used to evaluate the antioxidant profile. Apgar score at birth, 5, 10 and 30 minutes after birth was higher in mules. Mules started nursing colostrum earlier than horses, however elimination of meconium started later. Mares pregnant with mules eliminated fetal membranes earlier. Foal's and placental weight were similar between groups.There was no correlation between placental and foal's weight. Mules had higher MCHC, platelets, albumin, calcium, chloride, iron and magnesium, while total leukocytes, segmented neutrophils, lymphocytes, neutrophil:lymphocyte ratio, fibrinogen, BT, BD, BI, cholesterol and CK were lower in mules compared to horses.Interaction was found between group and time for red blood cells, hematocrit, hemoglobin, total leukocytes, segmented neutrophils, glucose, urea, albumin, triglycerides, cholesterol, CK and iron. Oxidative profile results showed no interaction between group and time for the analyzed variables. TBARS was lower in mules, while GPx activity was higher. There was a progressive TBARS decrease over time in the studied neonates, with GPx remaining constant at birth and 7 days, with a significant increase at 30 days. Time and group did not affect protein oxidation. SOD did not have a group effect and its activity was constant between analyzed times, except at 1 hour, when activity was lower than 6 hours, 7 and 30 days. Bilirrubins were lower in mules. Based on the differences found between species, this study offers reference values for behaviour, hematology, biochemistry and oxidative aspects in healthy mule neonates during the first month of life, and it can be useful for diagnosis and treatment of compromised neonates.Keywords: Hematology. Biochemistry. Apgar. Oxidative balance. Behavior.
LISTA DE TABELASTabela 1 -Média ± erro padrão do escore Apgar modificado durante a primeira hora 4-6 moderada asfixia; 0-3 severa asfixia.A literatura descreve a importância de avaliar a vitalidade associada ao comportamento neonatal equino após o parto, a fim de identificar um neonato anormal nos primeiros momentos da vida. O potro normal se posiciona em decúbito esternal em até 5 minutos, inicia reflexo de sucç...