Alanine-scanning mutagenesis and the whole cell voltage clamp technique were used to investigate the function of the extracellular loop between the second and third transmembrane domains (TM2-TM3) of the ␥-aminobutyric acid type A receptor (GABA A -R). A conserved arginine residue in the TM2-TM3 loop of the GABA A -R ␣ 2 subunit was mutated to alanine, and the mutant ␣ 2 (R274A) was co-expressed with wild-type  1 and ␥ 2S subunits in human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells. The GABA EC 50 was increased by about 27-fold in the mutant receptor relative to receptors containing a wildtype ␣ 2 subunit. Similarly, the GABA EC 50 at ␣ 2 (L277A)- 1 ␥ 2S and ␣ 2 (K279A) 1 ␥ 2S GABA A -R combinations was increased by 51-and 4-fold, respectively. The ␣ 2 (R274A) or ␣ 2 (L277A) mutations also reduced the maximal response of piperidine-4-sulfonic acid relative to GABA by converting piperidine-4-sulfonic acid into a weak partial agonist at the GABA A -R. Based on these results, we propose that ␣ 2 (Arg-274) and ␣ 2 (Leu-277) are crucial to the efficient transduction of agonist binding into channel gating at the GABA A -R.The GABA A 1 receptor (GABA A -R) as well as the glycine (Gly-R) and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors belong to a homologous gene family of ligand-gated ion channels (1, 2). The GABA A -R is made up of five glycoprotein subunits that have been proposed to contain four transmembrane domains (TM1-TM4) with part of the TM2 sequence of each subunit contributing to the channel pore (3, 4). The native GABA A -Rs are most commonly composed of two ␣ subunits, two  subunits, and one ␥ subunit (5, 6). To date, six ␣-, four -, and four ␥-subunit isoforms have been cloned in addition to a number of evolutionarily related subunit families (7,8).A diagram of the presumed topology of the GABA A -R ␣ 2 subunit (Fig. 1A) shows those residues in the N-terminus that have been implicated as possible agonist contact points. Residues Tyr-157, Thr-160, Thr-202, and Tyr-205 in the  2 subunit have also been proposed to contribute to the GABA binding site (9). The diagram displays the position of the ␣ 2 (Arg-274) residue that is the primary focus of this study and is located within the predicted short extracellular loop between TM2 and TM3. The function of the TM2-TM3 loop in GABA A -R subunits is currently unknown, but the corresponding region of the Gly-R ␣ subunit has been proposed to influence the efficiency of agonist-induced gating (10). A partial sequence alignment of Gly-R ␣ 1 compared with GABA A -R ␣ 2 ,  1 , and ␥ 2 subunits (Fig. 1B) illustrates the similarity between the amino acid sequences in the TM2-TM3 loop within the group of receptor subunits. We therefore predicted that mutations in this region of the GABA A -R will produce similar effects on receptor gating.GABA A -R amino acid residues ␣ 2 (Arg-274), ␣ 2 (Leu-277), and ␣ 2 (Lys-279) are homologous to the residues in the Gly-R ␣ 1 subunit that alter the glycine EC 50 when mutated (Arg-271 (11), Leu-274 (12), and Lys-276 (13); Fig. 1B, boldface residues). ...