Recent studies found even higher numbers when considering a more sensitive classifi cation of AKI scoring system, the Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO), which found an overall incidence of 23% in hospitalized patients [5].AKI is an independent risk factor for mortality, and it reaches rates of 70% when renal replacement therapy is needed [6,7]. AKI also increases the length of hospital stay and hospital costs [8]. Considering the increased morbimortality, AKI should be identifi ed as soon as possible during the postoperative period. Creatinine and urine output are used extensively to evaluate the glomerular fi ltration rate in clinical settings. However, creatinine fails in several aspects to diagnose AKI, and it is an insensitive marker for acute changes in glomerular fi ltration rate [9,10]. Diuresis is a nonspecifi c marker for AKI, and the inability to concentrate urine may lead to a dissociation between urine production and kidney function [11]. Patients in critical care conditions may exhibit periods of oliguria that are not followed by AKI [12], and the correct measurement of urinary output may also be a problem [13].Cystatin C was investigated because of the scarcity of early Abstract Background: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is prevalent in hospitalized patients, primarily in patients undergoing major surgical procedures. AKI is associated with increased morbimortality, and patients would benefi t from a very early diagnosis that would allow implementation of specifi c therapeutic or additional prophylactic measures. The present study evaluated serum cystatin C as an early predictor of AKI in elderly patients during the postoperative period.Methods: Fifty-nine patients, aged 60 years or older undergoing correction of femur fracture under spinal anaesthesia, were prospectively evaluated up to 48 hours after surgery. Serum cystatin C was measured immediately after surgery and four (early marker) and 24 hours after surgery. The diagnosis of AKI was based on creatinine values up to 48 hours after surgery (Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes, KDIGO), and the impact of serum cystatin C on the diagnosis of AKI was evaluated four hours after surgery.Results: Twenty-one patients (35.6%) were diagnosed with AKI. The values of serum cystatin C [median (1 st -3 rd quartiles)] at four hours were 1.24 (1.00 -1.49) and 0.90 (0.78 -1.15) mg.L -1 for patients with and without AKI, respectively (p = 0.003). The best serum cystatin C cut-off value at four hours was 0.92 mg.L -1 , with negative and positive predictive values equal to 95% and 50%, respectively, a sensitivity of 94%, a specifi city of 51%, and an accuracy (area under the curve) of 75% (95% confi dence interval: 61% to 86%).
Conclusions:Serum cystatin C exhibited good accuracy (75%) for the diagnosis of AKI and elevated the potential identifi cation of patients with lower chances of presenting AKI at a cut-off value of 0.92 mg. L -1 four hours after femur fracture repair under spinal anaesthesia.
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