Summary: Although paraoxonase is synthesized in many tissues including the heart, colon, kidneys, lungs, small intestines and brain, its major locus of synthesis is the liver. PON1 is in close association with apolipoproteins and protects LDL against oxidation. It was reported that PON1 quantities dropped to 40 times lower than normal in cardiovascular diseases and diseases like diabetes, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, chronic renal failure, SLE, Behcet's disease, cancer, hepatitis B, obesity, metabolic syndrome, Alzheimer's and dementia. It is speculated that the concerning decline in serum PON1 amount results from single nucleotide polymorphism in the coding (Q192R, L55M) and promoter (T-108C) sites of the PON1 gene. Additionally, circulating amounts of PON1 are affected by vitamins, antioxidants, fatty acids, dietary factors, drugs, age and lifestyle. This collection attempts to review and examine the past and present studies of paraoxonase and its relation with the cardiovascular system and some relevant diseases.Keywords: paraoxonase, polymorphism, cardiovascular system diseases Kratak sadr`aj: Iako se paraoksonaza sinteti{e u mnogim tkivima, uklju~uju}i srce, debelo crevo, bubrege, plu}a, tanko crevo i mozak, glavno mesto njene sinteze je jetra. PON1 je blisko povezana sa apolipoproteinima i {titi LDL od oksidacije. Koli~ine PON1 ~ak 40 puta ni`e od normalnog nivoa zabele`ene su u kardiovaskularnim bolestima i oboljenjima kao {to su dijabetes, ulcerozni kolitis, Kronova bolest, hroni~na bubre`na insuficijencija, sistemski eritemski lupus, Beh~etov sindrom, kancer, hepatitis B, gojaznost, metaboli~ki sindrom, Alchajmerova bolest i demencija. Spekuli{e se da pomenuti pad nivoa PON1 u serumu poti~e od polimorfizma pojedina~nih nukleotida na kodnim (Q192R, L55M) i promoterskim (T-108C) podru~jima gena PON1. Pored toga, na koli~inu PON1 u cirkulaciji uti~u vita mini, antioksidansi, masne kiseline, faktori ishra ne, le kovi, godine i na~in `ivota. Ovaj pregled predstavlja poku{aj da se izlo`e i razmotre pro{le i sada{nje studije o paraoksonazi i njenom odnosu sa kardiovaskularnim sistemom i nekim relevantnim bolestima.