Six measures of nutritional status ation and "keratomalacia" remains SUBJECTS AND METHODS were studied in 162 consecutive cases of less certain. As already described (p 404),3162 conse presumed nutritional keratopathy rarging from mild xerosis through full-thickness See also p 404. cutive patients with corneal xerophthal mia or keratomalacia seen at the Cicendo necrosis (keratomalacia) and In a variety (Indonesia) Eye Hospital between June of control subjects. The severity of cor-Reports of corneal destruction are 1977 and September 1978 underwent nealInvolvement was related to the sever-almost entirely limited to malnoudetailed ophthalmic, pediatric, and bacte , Iltll. ,8 Complete corneal necrosis: bilat-12 stt to Wil n (T() 0hth iah Inslituht,, 61110 N Wolfe St, ialtimore, NID 21205 I[}r D t by most severe lesion in worst lft -trint reu sS ttlt g i a l era l Sttnterl..Classified eye (p 404).