Warped 5-dimensional models, based on the original Randall-Sundrum geometry, have been extended beyond their initial purpose of resolving the gauge hierarchy problem. Over the past decade, various ingredients have been added to their basic structure in order to provide natural and predictive models of flavor and also to address existing constraints from precision data. In this review, we examine the theoretical and experimental status of realistic models that accommodate current data, while addressing the hierarchy and flavor puzzles of the Standard Model. We also discuss the prospects for future discovery of the TeV-scale Kaluza-Klein states that are predicted to emerge in these models, and outline some of the challenges that the detection of such particles pose for experiments at the Large Hadron Collider.The solutions are written in terms of Bessel functions of the first and second kind, J α (x) and Y α (x), for which we shall use the shorthand notationand similarly for Y 0,1,z α . Then‡ Another commonly used form for the AdS metric is ds 2 = e −2ky η µν dx µ dx ν − dy 2 , where k = 1/L 0 is the AdS curvature. The formulas in conformal coordinates can be transcribed into the "proper distance" coordinates by setting z/L 0 = e ky , ∂ y = a(z) −1 ∂ z and dy = a(z)dz.§ Other gauge choices can also be useful [18]. A gauge independent expansion can be obtained by choosing the KK modes of A 5 equal to ∂ z f n /m n .