L e t t e r t o t h e E d i t o rLetter to the Editor Ashley Cole, RN, BSN, CPEN I had the opportunity to read and review one of your articles, titled "Service/Academic Partnerships: A Call to Action." 1 This article is interesting, because it highlights some of the major issues impacting the nursing profession such as nurse staffing shortages and nurse-to-patient ratios. The issue surrounding these challenges and health care changes is that increased workload without proper staffing in the health care organizations may ultimately lead to burnout and compromised patient and staff safety, as well as decreased motivation. 2 The article mentioned a key concept in relation to contributing factors for nursing staff shortages. It is important that an equal balance exists between nursing program academics and nursing service in the field in order to lessen the challenges associated with nurse staffing shortages. 1 Nurse educators need support as the staffing shortage endures. 1 It would have been helpful if the article highlight-ed recommendations for nurses and nursing leaders in current practice. Nursing leaders need support and guidance to encourage and guide the staff as major changes and challenges in health care occur.