Purpose -In many industries, perceived service value is found to be a signifi cant mediator between perceived service quality and customer satisfaction and loyalty. Therefore, this paper aims to test a conceptual model of perceived service value with its antecedents, such as perceived price and perceived service quality, and consequences, customer satisfaction and loyalty, in the retail banking industry.Design/Methodology/Approach -For the empirical study, a measurement instrument was developed and tested for validity and reliability. Measures were assessed with exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confi rmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM). A structural model with fi ve refl ective constructs was evaluated to test direct and indirect relationships among constructs.Findings and implications -Results confi rm a mediating role of perceived value in relationships between perceived price, perceived service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty in the case of retail banking services.Limitations -Because the results are directly relevant only to customers and marketing managers of retail banking services, generalizations of the fi ndings beyond the immediate population observed should be made with caution.
SažetakSvrha -U različitim granama djelatnosti percipirana vrijednost usluga istaknuta je kao značajan medijator između percipirane kvalitete usluga te zadovoljstva i odanosti korisnika. Stoga je svrha ovoga rada na primjeru usluga u bankarskome sektoru testirati konceptualni model percipirane vrijednosti usluga i njegovih utjecajnih faktora, kao što su percipirana cijena i percipirana kvaliteta usluga, te posljedica, zadovoljstvo i odanost korisnika.Metodološki pristup -Za potrebe empirijskog istraži-vanja razvijen je mjerni instrument te testirana njegova valjanost i pouzdanost. Korišteni mjerni instrument provjeren je kroz eksplorativnu faktorsku analizu, konfi rmatornu faktorsku analizu te strukturalno modeliranje. Strukt uralni model s pet refl ektivnih konstrukata analiziran je kako bi se testirale direktne i indirektne veze među konstruktima.Rezultati i implikacije -Rezultati potvrđuju medijacijsku ulogu percipirane vrijednosti u odnosu percipirane cijene i percipirane kvalitete te zadovoljstva i odanosti korisnika kod usluga u bankarskome sektoru.Ograničenja -Kako su rezultati istraživanja direktno relevantni isključivo korisnicima bankarskih usluga i marketinškim menedžerima u bankama, treba se uzeti s oprezom generalizacija rezultata na druge usluge osim bankarskih.Aleksandra Pisnik, Jasmina Dlačić, Borut Milfelner 192 Vol. 28, No. 2, 2016, pp. 191-212 Originality -This paper extends existing knowledge with both direct and indirect eff ects among researched concepts, and shows the importance of perceived service value in achieving satisfi ed and loyal customers in retail banking services.Keywords -perceived service quality, perceived price, perceived value, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, retail banking services Doprinos -Ovaj rad zasniva...