The study aims to explore key dimensions of service quality of E-Retailing of Islamic banks in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The convenience sample size consists of 373 respondents who regularly use online Islamic banking facilities in Saudi Arabia was used. For measuring the consumers' perspective, a four-factor E-SERVQUAL scale; namely efficiency, system availability, fulfillment, and privacy was used. Exploratory Factor Analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis are used to test the model fitness. Structural equation modelling is utilized to determine the impact of E-service quality dimensions on customers' satisfaction. The results of the study reveal that 1) reliability as a dimension of E-retailing of Islamic banks made a significant impact on customers' overall satisfaction; 2) there is a positive significant relationship between responsiveness and customers' overall satisfaction. One unit increased in responsive leads to 0.763 unit increases in the overall satisfaction of the customer; and 3) ease of use is the most important dimensions of service quality of E-retailing of Islamic banks. One unit increases in Security/ Privacy leads to 0.473 unit increases in overall satisfaction. There is a positive impact of good E-service on customers' satisfaction, but it does not override unsatisfactory performance in other areas.