With the large‐scale deployment of communication and computation units, the conventional radio access network has been gradually transformed into a sophisticated Cyber‐Physical System. Since the access network is put forward higher expectations for ultra‐reliable and low‐latency services, Short‐Packet Communications (SPC) based on Finite Blocklength Codes can be adopted to further decrease network latency and enhance communication reliability. Considering the interaction among the service provider, the network operator, and users, a three‐stage Stackelberg game is constructed to dynamically arrange communication and computation resources. In this paper, the tripartite interaction problem is modelled as a generalized Nash equilibrium problem, and the reverse induction method is employed to achieve the sub‐game equilibrium. To solve the problem of maximizing tripartite utilities, the authors propose an iterative algorithm for jointly managing resource allocation and tripartite pricing. Simulation results show that compared with the benchmark, the proposed scheme can effectively improve the utilities of users, the service provider, and the network operator and achieve a win–win situation.