In this paper, we propose a novel scheme for a service production using service scenario and its control scheme, which works with a set of distributed functions offered from networked appliances on a home network.Firstly, basic ideas for the service scenario control, which is designed with a network-oriented MVC model and which sits on the dynamic function discoveqhegotiation mechanism, are presented.Secondly, the architecture for the scenario control worked with the AMIDEN architecture I 11 and its description is discussed. On the architecture, functions are dynamically connected by the mechanism of the dynamic function discovery firstly, then characteristics of the functions are spontaneously configured by the parameter negotiation on the topology. On top of that, the service model is configured by parsing the service scenario which is statically described, the characteristics of the functions, and its topology which are dynamically configured from the network formation. Finally, from the initial study, we have resulted that the scheme is very much flexible for the service provider to design and create a distributed object-oriented program by using several functions without any knowledge of the function details in advance, and also flexible for the appliance designer to implement a function unit without a condition and a limitation for the integrated service, since each function and each scenario is allowed to be designed separately using generic framework and an appliance service is configured only with the proposed service scenario description sit on the AMIDEN architecture.