A novel diketone having the humulene skeleton was isolated from the essential oils of Lippia integrifolia. Its structure was established by spectroscopic studies, and its conformation followed from nOe effects in combination with the H-C-C-H dihedral angles calculated from 'H-nmr coupling constants.The aromatic shrub Lippia integrifolia (Griseb.) Hieron (Verbenaceae) has been a rich source of unusual sesqui terpenoids. The ketones integrifolian-l,5-dione (1,2), lippifolil(6)-en-5-one (1), and 4,5 -leco-afri can-4,5-dione (3) have been isolated from its essential oils, although -humulene, a-himachalene, ß-caryophyllene, and spathulenol are the major components (1,4). This work describes the isolation, structural elucidation, and conformation in solution of a new eleven-membered ring substance, humulenedione [1],The conformational analysis, in solution, of carbocyclic substances possessing large membered rings has not been a common subject, because their 'H-nmr spectra frequently present extensive signal overlapping and strong coupling effects (5). Fortunately, the two carbonyl groups in humulenedione (1] cause shifts of several proton signals, thus giving more informative spectra.
IS 1Humulenedione [1] is found as a minor component in those fractions where integrifolian-1,5-dione and spathulenol are the main constituents and was isolated by reversed-phase hplc using an octadecylsilane column. Cims of 1 shows a quasi-molecular ion at miz 237 [M+1} , which together with elemental analysis pointed to the formula C"H2402. The ir spectrum displays absorptions at 3020 and 986 cm"1 for a transdisubstituted double bond and a strong absorption at 1707 cm-1 for a saturated carbonyl function. The uv spectrum shows no significant absorptions between 210 and 360 nm, while evaluation of 'H-nmr spectra obtained in CDC13 and C6D6 (see Table 1) indicated a humulene derivative.Although there are important chemical shift differences between the 'H-nmr spectra measured in CDC13 and C6D6 (Table 1) due to the known aromatic-solventinduced shift effect (6), the vicinal 'H-'H coupling constants remain similar in both