Manipulating the coalescence of microdroplets has recently
enormous attention in digital microfluidics and biological and chemical
industries. Here, coalescence between two sessile droplets is induced
by spreading them due to electrowetting. The electrocoalescence dynamics
is investigated for a wide range of operating parameters such as electrowetting
number, Ohnesorge number, driving frequency, and drop to surrounding
medium viscosity ratio. Here, the characteristic time scale from the
classical lubrication theory is modified with an additional driving
and resisting force due to the electrostatic pressure force and liquid–liquid
viscous dissipation, respectively. With the revised characteristic
time scale, a universal bridge growth is shown between the two merging
droplets following a 1/3 power law during early coalescence followed
by a long-range linear variation. To ensure precise control on droplet
coalescence, a geometric analysis is also performed to define the
initial separation distance.