Throughout this paper, consider G = (V,E) as a connected graph. A subset D of V(G) is a set dominating set of G if for every M V / D there exists a non-empty set N of D such that the induced sub graph <MUN> is connected. A subset D of the vertex set of a graph G is called a co-secure dominating set of a graph if D is a dominating set, and for each u' D there exists a vertex v'V / D such that u'v' is an edge and D \u'v' is a dominating set. A co-secure dominating set D is a co-secure set dominating set of G if D is also a set dominating set of G. The co-secure set domination number G s cs γ is the minimum cardinality of a co-secure set dominating set. In this paper we initiate the study of this new parameter & also determine the co-secure set domination number of some standard graphs and obtain its bounds.