We present a model-independent method for determining anomalous gauge boson couplings from ongoing and future e + e − → W + W − experiments. First we generalize an already existing method, which relies on the study of four observables constructed through appropriate projections of the unpolarized differential cross-section. In particular, we retain both linear and quadratic terms in the unknown couplings, and compute contributions to these observables originating from anomalous couplings which do not separately conserve the discrete C, P , and T symmetries. Second, we combine the above set of observables with three additional ones, which can be experimentally obtained from the total cross-sections for polarized final state W bosons. The resulting set of seven observables may provide useful information for constraining, and in some cases for fully determining, various of the possible anomalous gauge boson couplings.
IntroductionAnomalous gauge boson couplings [1,2] have attracted significant attention in recent years, and their direct study through the process e + e − → W + W − has been one of the main objectives of the CERN Large Electron Positron collider LEP2 [3,4,5,6,7,8]. In addition, the trilinear gauge self-couplings have also been probed through direct W γ and W Z production at the Tevatron [9,10]. The study of such couplings is expected to continue at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), as well as the Next Linear Collider (NLC) [11].Recently a model-independent method has been proposed for extracting values or bounds for the anomalous gauge boson couplings from e + e − → W + W − experiments [12]. The basic idea is to study projections of the differential cross-section which arise when the latter is convoluted with a set of appropriately constructed polynomials in cos θ, where θ is the center-of-mass scattering angle. This construction leads to a set of four novel observables, which are related to the anomalous couplings by means of simple algebraic equations. The experimental determination of these observables can in turn be used in order to impose bounds simultaneously on all anomalous couplings, without having to resort to model-dependent relations among them, or invoke any further simplifying assumptions. This method has also been generalized to the case of hadron colliders [13], and its compatibility with the inclusion of structure function effects has been established. In what follows we will refer to this method as the "Projective Method" (PM).The PM as presented in [12] only includes terms linear in the unknown anomalous couplings (form-factors) which are individually invariant under the discrete C, P , and T symmetries. However, the inclusion of the quadratic terms as well as the C, P , and T non-invariant couplings is necessary for a complete experimental analysis. In addition, the observables constructed by means of the PM are only four, whereas the unknown form-factors, even with the simplifications mentioned above, are six; therefore, one is not able to extract experimental information for a...