Mobile Instant Messaging applications noted a growing number of active users recently. Although having millions of users, the previous research results have shown usability flaws in this type of mobile applications. Difficulties when performing tasks, poor design of user interfaces, or lack of information about privacy and security methods were some of the identified flaws. Consequently, a collection of usability recommendations was proposed. The goal of these recommendations is to improve the experience in the use of these mobile applications and, thus, enhancing the usability of this kind of apps. These recommendations were taken into account during the development process of a new instant messaging application. Thus, in this study, the authors present the resulting application, its characteristics, how usability recommendations were covered through design and development phases, and a preliminary usability evaluation performed by conducting two research methods: KLM and Mobile Heuristic Evaluation. Both methods ranked the prototype at top positions (i.e. good usability results) when compared with the results obtained in previous studies about other existing instant messaging applications.
K E Y W O R D Shuman computer interaction, mobile applications, software usability, usability evaluation methods, user interfaces
| INTRODUCTIONNowadays, mobile devices have obtained the consideration of being essential tools for almost all people [1]. It should be borne in mind that they are the most used electronic devices [2], with more than 3 billion smartphones [3]. Along with the use of mobile phones, mobile applications (thereafter called, simply, ''apps'') are experiencing an exponential growth in their usage: Between 2009 and 2020, an increase in the number of available mobile apps was reported from 16 thousand apps to 2.9 million apps in Google Play Store and from 25 thousand apps to 1.8 million apps in Apple Apps Store [4][5][6].One type of mobile applications with a growing usage is Mobile Instant Messaging apps (namely, MIM or IM apps), with a high number of active users [7,8], as an evolution of SMS messages [9] and as an improvement of social relationships [10].Nevertheless, when we put together and observe mobile devices, instant messaging apps, and usability, previous studies have found several usability issues in their usage [11][12][13][14][15][16]. Given the fact that creating and attracting users to use a MIM app does not require too much effort, improving usability should be the key to maintain users using the app [17,18]. It is true that web usability is highly widespread and, therefore, the use of usability guidelines is quite common in web development and research. However, mobile usability guidelines (sometimes also referred to as recommendations, standards or directives, depending on the authors) are rather infrequent to be found in mobile research studies, as derived from the current literature review [19,20].As said before, MIM apps show a large number of users in a wide range of apps. Based on th...