Tables of the currently known parameters of symmetric configurations are given. Formulas for parameters of the known infinite families of symmetric configurations are presented as well. The results of the recent paper [18] are used. This work can be viewed as an appendix to [18], in the sense that the tables given here cover a much larger set of parameters.(ii) If v = b and, hence, r = k, the configuration is symmetric, and it is referred to as a configuration v k .(A symmetric configuration v k is cyclic if there exists a permutation of the set of its points mappings blocks to blocks, and acting regularly on both points and blocks. Equivalently, v k is cyclic if one of its incidence matrix is circulant.Steiner systems are configurations with d = 0 [36]. The deficiency of a symmetric configuration v k is d = v − (k 2 − k + 1). The deficiency of v k is zero if and only if v k is a finite projective plane of order k − 1.A configuration (v r , b k ) can be viewed as a k-uniform r -regular linear hypergraph with v vertices and b hyperedges [34,36]. Connections of configurations (v r , b k ) with numerical semigroups are noted in [14,60]. Some analogies between configurations (v r , b k ), regular graphs, and molecule models of chemical elements are remarked in [32]. As an example of a practical application of configurations (both symmetric and non-symmetric), we mention also the problem of user privacy for using database; see [22,59] and the references therein.Denote by M(v, k) an incidence matrix of a symmetric configuration v k . Any matrix M(v, k) is a v × v 01-matrix with k ones in every row and column; moreover, the 2 × 2 matrix consisting of all ones is not a submatrix of M(v, k). Two incidence matrices of the same configuration may differ by a permutation on the rows and the columns.A matrix M(v, k) can be considered as a biadjacency matrix of the Levi graph of the configuration v k which is a k-regular bipartite graph without multiple edges [36, Sec. 7.2]. Clearly, the graph has girth at least six, i.e. it does not contain 4-cycles. Such graphs are useful for the construction of bipartite-graph codes that can be treated as low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes. If M(v, k) is circulant, then the corresponding LDPC code is quasi-cyclic; it can be encoded with the help of shift-registers with relatively small complexity; see [5,6,19,21,28,40,41,45] and the references therein.Matrices M(v, k) consisting of square circulant submatrices have a number of useful properties, e.g. they are more suitable for LDPC codes implementation. We say that a 01matrix A is block double-circulant (BDC for short) if A consists of square circulant blocks whose weights give rise to a circulant matrix (see Definition 3.1). A configuration v k with a BDC incidence matrix M(v, k) is called a BDC symmetric configuration. Symmetric and non-symmetric configurations with incidence matrices consisting of square circulant blocks are considered, for example, in [3, 4, 19-21, 40, 41, 52]. In [3,4], BDC symmetric configuration are considered in c...