Two subdivision schemes with Hermite data on Z are studied. These schemes use 2 or 7 parameters respectively depending on whether Hermite data involve only rst derivatives or include second derivatives. For a large region in the parameter space, the schemes are convergent in the space of Schwartz distributions. The Fourier transform of any i n terpolating function can be computed through products of matrices of order 2 or 3. The Fourier transform is related to a speci c system of functional equations whose analytic solution is unique except for a multiplicative constant. The main arguments for these results come from Paley-Wiener-Schwartz theorem on the characterization of the Fourier transforms of distributions with compact support and a theorem of Artzrouni about convergent products of matrices.Math Subject Classi cation: 40A20, 42A38, 46F12, 65D05, 65D10