AbstrakPenyakit ginjal merupakan penyebab kematian nonAIDS paling tinggi pada penyandang HIV. Penggunaan regimen anti-retroviral diselidiki memiliki kontribusi terhadap kejadian penyakit ginjal. Disfungsi tubulus ditemukan pada penyandang HIV dengan terapi tenofovir. Pemeriksaan kreatinin digunakan untuk skrining kerusakan ginjal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan kadar kreatinin sebelum dan setelah terapi tenofovir. Telah dilakukan penelitian secara kohort retrospektif terhadap penyandang HIV dengan terapi tenofovir di RS dr. M. Djamil Padang periode 2012-2013. Dilakukan pemeriksaan kreatinin serum sebelum dan setelah terapi tenofovir dengan metode Jaffe. Data kadar kreatinin serum didapatkan melalui rekam medik. Hasil perbedaan rata-rata kadar kreatinin serum sebelum dan setelah terapi tenofovir dianalisis menggunakan uji T berpasangan. Sebanyak 18 subyek penelitian dipilih dari jumlah total 652 penyandang HIV rawat inap dan rawat jalan. Sebanyak 196 penyandang HIV memakai terapi tenofovir (30%). Rentang lama pemberian terapi tenofovir adalah 2-57 minggu. Pada hasil penelitian, didapatkan perbedaan rata-rata kadar kreatinin serum yang bermakna sebelum dan setelah terapi tenofovir sebesar 0,7± 0,2 mg/dLdan 0,9 ± 0,5 mg/dL (P<0,05). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan kreatinin serum setelah terapi tenofovir pada penyandang HIV.
AbstractKidney disease is the highest nonAIDS related mortality among HIV patients. The use of antiretroviral therapy is investigated to contribute in kidney disease. Tubular dysfunction is found in HIV patients with tenofovir therapy. Creatinine test is used to screen kidney dysfunction. The aim of this study was to determine the mean difference of serum creatinine level before and after tenofovir administration.A cohort retrospective research was carried out in DR..M. Djamil Hospital upon HIV patients with tenofovir within 2012-2013. Serum creatinine test was conducted before and after administration of tenofovir with automatic machine and Jaffe reaction. The result of mean difference of serum creatinine before and after administration of tenofovir is analised by paired T test.Eighteen research subjects is determined from total amount of in and out patient. A total of 196 patients were administered with tenofovir (30%). The range of tenofovir administration was between 2-57 weeks. From the research, obtained a significant mean difference before (0,7± 0,2 mg/dL) and after (0,9 ± 0,5 mg/dL) administration of tenofovir (P<0,05).The conclusion of this study is there is increasing of serum creatinine level before and after administration of tenofovir.