Karijes u ranom detinjstvu ima epitet najčešćeg infektivnog i hroničnog pedijatrijskog oboljenja, koje podrazumeva prisustvo karijesa na bilo kom mlečnom zubu kod dece starosti do šest godina, a nastaje kompleksnim procesom, koji uključuje transmisiju infektivnih bakterija, navike u ishrani i oralnu higijenu. Često
Ključne reči: karijes ranog detinjstva, socio-ekonomski faktori, prevencija
Early childhood caries is considered to be the most common infectious and chronic pediatric disease, which is defined as the presence of tooth decay that implies any primary tooth in a child six years of age or younger and develops through a complex process that involves the transmission of infectious bacteria, dietary habits and oral hygiene. It often occurs as a result of prolonged breastfeeding and frequent consumption of sugar-containing beverages in a baby