ABSTRAK (262,4±130,8 ml, 289,4±126,2 ml, 359,2±137 ml; p=0,02).
Kesimpulan:Volume asupan air 300-500 ml tidak mempengaruhi waktu tunggu sebelum uroflowmetry. Peningkatan asupan air minimal 500 ml menambah volume akhir kandung kemih dan memperpendek waktu tunggu.
ABSTRACTBackground: In uroflowmetry examination, patients are usually instructed to intake a large volume of water and wait until the bladder is full. The association between the volume of water intake and the waiting time before uroflowmetry is unknown. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the volume of water intake and the waiting time prior to uroflowmetry.