Psychosis is a set of symptoms that lead to contact disorders or even cessation of contact with reality. It can be in the form of disorders of perception, emotions, thoughts, and behavior. Psychosis has many causes, and one of them is hypothyroidism. Thyroxin is important for the global function of brain activity, cholinergic activity in the frontal cortex and hippocampus increases significantly in its presence. The diagnosis of psychotic episodes is made on the basis of autoanamnesis and heteroanamnesis, as well as psychiatric examination. The presence of: positive syndrome, disorganization and negative syndrome. After the diagnosis of a psychotic disorder, antipsychotics are included in the therapy, and upon arrival, the findings that verify hypothyroidism, include thyroxin in the therapy. The therapeutic response is achieved after a few days or a week. In patients with an acute psychosis, and especially in those with a positive personal and family history of hypothyroidism, one should think in the direction of an unrecognized endocrine disease.