We report the case of a 48-year-old woman with recurrent diarrhea, nausea, anorexia and weight loss. The symptoms could not be relieved by treatment with oral antibiotics. Her past and family history were unremarkable. There was also no abnormal finding during in physical examination and the laboratory examinations.Gastroscopy revealed a submucosal mass with irregular mucosa in the gastric body. The biopsy specimens of the gastric mucosa showed moderate superficial active inflammation with Helicobacter pylori, and lymphoid hyperplasia in lamina propria, lymphoid follicles. Abdominal CT showed the gastric wall on the greater curvature of gastric body markedly thickened irregularly, and the presence of multiple cysts of liver and spleen with splenomegaly. EUS revealed anechoic cystic structures in the irregularly thickened stomach wall in the greater curvature of the gastric body. The was lesion located in the submucosal layer and had a clear but irregular boundary (Fig. 1).The patient was hospitalized with the suspicion of gastric lymphoma. After anti-Helicobacter pylori therapy, symptoms improved significantly. But gastroscopy for screening again revealed that the gastric lesion was still the same as before. The histology of specimens obtained by endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) showed that glands in the gastric body were polypoid hyperplasia and were well differentiated accompanied with lymphoid follicles. Positron emission computed tomography (PET-CT) suggested small liver cancer in left liver, and the gastric occupying lesion might be gastric lymphoma.Because of the high clinical suspicion of malignant tumor, the patient underwent remote subtotal gastrectomy with a Billroth II gastrojejunostomy and left liver mass resection. Gross examination showed a 5 9 4 cm soft mass with obscure boundary on the greater curvature of the gastric body, and the lesion was truly limited to the serous membrane. The liver was soft and dark red with many yellow patches of different sizes on the surface, which were fatty deposition and degeneration. A mass measuring 2.0 9 2.0 cm in segment III of the left liver lobe was found, which was soft, deep yellow with clear boundary. Microscopically, gastrectomy specimen showed that the submucosa contained many cystically dilated glands of pyloric type, together with chronic mucosal inflammation (Fig. 2). The lymph nodes acquired from lesser and greater curvature of stomach were free of cancer cells. Resected portion of the left liver showed liver cell hyperplasia with wide fatty degeneration. These findings were consistent with gastritis cystica profunda. Pathological diagnosis was gastritis cystica profunda and left liver cell atypical hyperplasia with steatosis. No recurrence was observed in 27 months after surgery.GCP is a rare hyperplastic benign lesion, which was first reported by Franzin Gin in 1981 [1]. Its pathogenesis is still unclear, and maybe associated with chronic inflammation, ischemia, gastric surgery, suture material and other